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international partnerships

Witheridge and High Bickington Partnering with Sanjivani International School, Mumbai, India

Partnership between Witheridge Academy, High Bickington Academy, and Sanjivani International School, Mumbai

Over the past three years, our partnership with Sanjivani International School in Mumbai, India, has blossomed into an enriching collaboration that brings our students closer to the world. Witheridge Academy, one of the founding members of this partnership, has proudly earned the British Council International Schools Award, a testament to our commitment to fostering global education. High Bickington Academy joined this exciting journey later, adding further depth and diversity to our shared experiences.

A Journey of Learning and Friendship

At Witheridge Academy and High Bickington, children in Years 5 and 6 are paired with pen pals from Sanjivani International School. Throughout the school year, our students exchange emails, share learning experiences, and engage in collaborative projects with their Indian counterparts. Regular Google Meet sessions allow our students to maintain close contact, building strong connections and understanding across cultures.

Our partnership is designed to offer a range of engaging projects that promote intercultural dialogue, critical thinking, and global awareness:

  • Getting to Know You: Using Google Forms, students share their lifestyles and interests, allowing them to build connections and learn about each other's daily lives.
  • Comparative Study of National Parks: Students conduct an in-depth study of Exmoor National Park and Sanjay Gandhi National Park, exploring similarities and differences in geography, flora, fauna, and community impact.
  • Land Use Project: This project examines how local communities in both locations have evolved, looking at historical changes and current developments.
  • Responsible Consumption Project: Aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, students explore how individuals and communities can promote sustainable consumption and make positive environmental impacts.
  • Cultural Exchange of Songs and Dance: Through music and dance, our students share and learn about each other's cultures, fostering a deeper appreciation for diversity.
  • Language Learning: Students learn key phrases in Hindi, enhancing their communication skills and cultural understanding.
  • Thinking Hats for Problem Solving: We introduce 'Thinking Hats' as a tool for tackling some of the world's most complex challenges, encouraging students to think creatively and collaboratively.

Building Community through Global Learning

While our roots remain firmly in our local community, surrounded by the natural beauty of Dartmoor and Exmoor, we also strive to broaden our students' horizons. Our "Building Community" curriculum driver nurtures local pride while encouraging a global perspective, preparing our students to become informed, active global citizens.

We believe global learning is essential to help our pupils navigate an increasingly interconnected, complex, and rapidly changing world. By engaging in these international partnerships, our students learn to think critically about global issues and understand how their actions impact others worldwide.

Our partnership with Sanjivani International School reflects our dedication to embracing a global outlook, creating meaningful connections, and equipping our students with the skills and mindset to thrive in a diverse world.