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The Local Governing Body

The Local Governing Body

The strategic leadership and oversight of our schools is undertaken by our Executive Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team with  support and challenge from the Board of Trustees. The Board is made up of representatives from our school communities; each person bringing different strengths and expertise to the Board, (see The Trust web sections for profiles of the Board).

In order to provide further challenge and support and, importantly, to maintain the local distinctiveness of each of our schools, the Board of Trustees delegates a range of responsibilities to Local Governing Bodies (LGB).

Each LGB meets at least once a term where issues of school improvement and targets for the future development  are discussed.  Specific responsibilities for the LGBs are outlined in the TEAM Multi-Academy Trust's Scheme of Delegation (see attached below). Where an LBG is representing a Church School (Pilton Bluecoat, Witheridge and High Bickington) the groups also fulfil the role of an Ethos Committee and will additionally oversee the work of the Christian Foundation within the school.

Local Governing Bodies are directly responsible to the Board of Trustees.  To ensure good communication and continuity between the two groups, each Local Governing Body is chaired by a representative from the Trustees.  Alongside, local Heads of School are present at their Local Governing Body meetings and provide a range of information for the governors to discuss and question.  Local Heads also report back to the MAT Chief Executive Officer regarding any matters arising from their meetings.

A school Local Governing Body will have representation from the school's parents and the local community.  Their main qualification is that they have an interest and commitment to their local school.  At High Bickington members of our LGB are:

Rob Norton (Head of School)

Susie Kevern (Chair, Trustee, Parent)

Jane Adams (Community, Grandparent)

Helen Carn (Community)

Helen Rowden (Staff, Parent)

Emma Coomber (Parent)

Tracey Doyle (Local Parish)

If you would like more information about your Local Governing Body please contact our school office.